PetPal iOS / Android Compatible Automatic Pet Feeder

8 years ago

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of smart pet feeders and toys here. PetPal is another WiFi…

InBody PUSH Smart Stadiometer: Height Measuring Device for Kids

8 years ago

Here is a smart stadiometer that allows parents to monitor their children' height and compare it to CDC growth charts.…

WySky: Music Lamp with iOS Integration

8 years ago

Meet the WySky lamp: a smart music lamp that combines with your tablet or smartphone to put you in the…

SMARTvr Foldable Smartphone VR Viewer

8 years ago

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of decent virtual reality and 3D content viewers for smartphones. Many…

CodeGamer + App: Teach Kids Coding with Games

8 years ago

Meet the CodeGamer: a STEM kit that teaches your kids Arduino programming through games. The gamepad has 15 game levels…

Discovery Channel Smartphone Microscope

8 years ago

Here is a smartphone add-on that turns your iPhone into a microscope, allowing you to capture images in microscopic detail.…

5 Audio Travel Guide Apps for iPhone

8 years ago

Visiting new places on your own without a guide is not always the best idea. It is so easy to…

5 iPhone Apps for the Dukan Diet

8 years ago

You are going to need a decent diet and exercise program to lose weight and stay healthy. There are all…

Vixole Matrix: App Smart Customizable E-Sneakers

8 years ago

Here is a pair of sneakers with a flexible LED display that let you display any design on them from…

Vue Smart Glasses Track Activity, Play Music

8 years ago

Here is a pair of smart glasses that track your daily activity and let you make hands-free calls. Offered in…