
UPRIGHT GO Smart Posture Corrector

Meet UPRIGHT GO: a smart wearable device that stays on your back and vibrates when you slouch, helping you improve…

7 years ago

TurnPoint Smart Motorcycle Glove with LED GPS Directions

Meet the TurnPoint Glove: a Bluetooth enabled wearable device that uses a LED interface to provide you with GPS directions…

7 years ago

HiNICE+: Bluetooth Earphones with Gem Necklace

There are plenty of Bluetooth earphones on the market. Not all of them make you look good though. HiNICE+ is…

7 years ago

Senstone: Smart Wearable Converts Voice Notes to Text

Meet Senstone: a smart wearable device that lets you take notes on the go like a pro. The device features…

7 years ago

BruxRelief Smart Device to Stop Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth at night or even during the day could cause you all kinds of issues over time. You…

7 years ago

StrikeTec MMA & Boxing Wearable

Here is a smart wearable sensor that allows boxers and MMA athletes to monitor their performance and improve it. StrikeTec…

7 years ago

e-vive App-controlled Stimulation System

Meet e-vive: an app-controlled muscle stimulation system that helps patients recovering from a serious knee injury reverse muscle atrophy and…

7 years ago

Dosime Smart Wearable Radiation Monitor

Here is a smart wearable device that helps you keep an eye on radiation threat as you move around. It…

7 years ago