5 Awesome Wearable Gesture Controllers for iPhone
0Your iPhone already comes with everything you need to play games, write code, watch videos, and experience VR worlds. Thanks to these wearable gesture controllers for smartphones, you can interact with your phone in a whole new way:
Tap Strap 2: a wearable keyboard, mouse, and air gesture controller with Bluetooth that lets you type on any surface. You can customize finger combinations to input numbers, symbols, and macros.
Genki Wave: a MIDI ring controller for gestural control of your sound. It recognizes tilt, pan, roll, tap, click, and other gestures. You can customize response via the software.
T-skin: an Arduino powered gesture controller that can track your hand movements in games. Its gyroscope and accelerometer track the position and direction of movement accurately.
CaptoGlove: a wearable game controller for PC and mobile devices. It has 10 degrees of freedom and works on capacitive screens. It is compatible with any iOS/Android game that supports a gamepad.
Kai: a lightweight gesture controller for apps, drones, and games. It has a Control Center app that lets you create and update gesture-based controls for your favorite applications. The device runs 8 hours on battery.
Have you found smarter gesture controllers for smartphones and games? Please share them here.