iPhone 3.1 Beta 2 Released – Bye Bye Tethering?
3It seems Apple comes out with a new OS update every day. The latest update, iPhone 3.0 OS beta 2, is out, and it puts an end to one of my favorite activities on iPhone. I am talking about tethering. In the past few months, folks have been trying to get tethering going on iPhone even though it was frowned upon by AT&T and Apple. Apple has decided that enough is enough and has decided to disable tethering for iPhone for now until AT&T officially releases its official tethering solution on iPhone.
We all know AT&T will be looking for more ways to make money with iPhone and charging for tethering is going on the top of its agenda. In fact, the company can overcharge you if you use tethering without its permission. But with the latest iPhone OS release, you are not going to find it easy to get tethering going on your phone. And if you have a jailbroken iPhone, you may want to stay away for iPhone 3.1 beta 2 as well.
One can’t help but be excited about the direction that Apple is taking the platform. Tethering or not, it’s obvious that Apple is working towards creating a super mobile video platform on iPhone. iPhone is a very capable device and Apple hasn’t even scratched the surface with it. Nevertheless, it would be nice if Apple brought more carriers on to give us consumers more options. AT&T is a decent company but no one single company should have the exclusive rights to this great gadget.